Silversky Protect Pet Insurance | Getting to know Millo

Home Pet Insurance Silversky Protect Pet Insurance | Getting to know Millo

Silversky Protect Pet Insurance | Getting to know Millo

Contributing Writer: Melissa

Melissa & Milo Silversky Pet Protect Insurance

Introduction – Your first name and background of how you got / met your pet, how you fell in love with your pet

Hi peeps! This is Melissa with my lovely furkid, Millo. I’ve wanted to have a dog since young, but could only afford the time 1-2 years ago after switching jobs. Researched on possible breeds for first time owners (in terms of each breed’s lifestyle, health conditions, etc) and poodles were on the shortlist. I did consider adopting but decided to buy one as a first time owner as I wasn’t well-versed with the do’s and donts of raising a dog.

Fell in love with Millo’s pic on the pet shop Instagram and visited the store almost immediately that same week. There were other pups there too but I was attracted to Millo by his friendly and cheeky nature – he kept wanting to play with me and my family! And also because his eyes are quite unique – they’re slightly greenish when we first met him so that was one of the factors why I chose him.

1. What’s the story behind your pet’s name? Is there a special meaning or a funny story?

Since Millo is my/my family’s first dog, I wanted a name that’s from the bible and one that holds a significant meaning. Plus, it had to start with the letter ‘m’ – just like all my family members. ‘Milo’ is too common so I went with ‘Millo’ since it’s unique!


Source: @millothemerlepoodle

2. What do you look out for if you’re looking to buy pet insurance?

Coverage, eligibility, and claiming process.

For coverage, since Millo – thankfully – does not have any pre-existing conditions, it’ll be mainly consultations, medications, and hospitalisation. Most importantly, it has to cover both accidents and illness as sometimes we just can’t predict our furkid’s health. And of course, since there are times when a consultation may lead to diagnostic tests or even therapies, it’s ideal that Millo’s insurance covers these necessary processes that will help his wellbeing.

For eligibility, the insurance will definitely have to be catered to Millo’s age, breed, as well as current conditions. Pre checks should not be necessary as consultation fees can be costly.

For the claiming process, as I’m not very sure of the usual insurance claiming procedures, an insurance that allows me to easily claim – of course, with the necessary documents if required – is something that I’d look out for. For example, being able to claim from any vet that I bring Millo to would certainly make things easier for me

3. What do you like most about Silversky Protect pet insurance?

I like that Silversky Protect Pet insurance covers every stage of a pawrent’s worry; from when the furkid has to go through surgery and gets hospitalised, to post surgery therapy as well. The unique part about SilverSky protect would be the emergency pet transport which is not popular among pet insurance as far as I know.

4. What’s the naughtiest thing your pet has ever done? Do you think pet insurance can cover it?

So far, Millo has not caused a hefty sum for me – thankfully! The most would be $200+ for causing surfacial damage to his tail. However, Millo loves to jump and it has always been my worry that his joints would be affected – of which I believe insurance can cover it.

Source: @millothemerlepoodle

5. Any suggestion or advice to people who are still shopping around or considering pet insurance?

I think it’s very important to start early, even if you pet is healthy. Of course, please do your due diligence in researching and comparing between pet insurance options in Singapore. However, each pet insurance caters to the different needs of each furkid. So it’ll depend on what your own furkid requires.

A starting factor would be for the pet insurance to be underwritten by MSIG – which would boost its credibility. Catering to your furkid’s short-term VS long-term needs is also something to consider, on top of its current health situation.

Lastly, promotions are definitely a plus point but I wouldn’t suggest using that as a push factor for which pet insurance to go to. Clarify as much as you need with the pet insurance before signing up to; a pet insurance that’s always open to questions is one that you know you can definitely count on!

Silversky Pet Protect Insurance | Millo the Poodle Dog

From the Silversky Team:

Ensuring that our furkids are protected, especially during unforeseen medical situations, is one of the best ways we can care for them. Pet insurance, like Silversky Protect, helps us focus on their recovery without being overwhelmed by financial stress.

If you’re considering pet insurance, take your time to compare policies, check coverage limits, and think about your pet’s unique needs. A little planning today can save a lot of worry tomorrow!

*This blog post is for informational purposes only and reflects personal opinions. Coverage benefits and terms mentioned are based on publicly available information and may vary. For complete details, please refer to Silversky Protect pet insurance policy underwriting.